
FOUNDED IN 196360 years & still growing!

The mission of the club is to advance the knowledge and enjoyment of gardening and to promote civic beautification
and conservation. 


Paula Vosburgh, President

Joan Cyranowski,  Vice President

Joanne Roberts, Treasurer 

Sue Mcgurk, Secretary


Pat Garbacik, Civic Beautification 

Carol Hegeman, Greenhouse Co-Chair

Eileen Adams, Greenhouse Co-Chair

Suzi Silver, Publicity Chair

In the 1963 The West Springfield Garden Club began under the guidance of town resident Howard Fife and fellow Grange members. They collected pennies and change to purchase a used greenhouse and donated it to the town . It is located in Mittineague Park and under the care of the Park & Recreation.

Annuals raised in the greenhouse were planted in whiskey barrels and placed around town. Plants were also sold to the general public which became an annual, major plant sale including perennials from member's gardens. A new barrel program with sponsorships has been instituted by the club; barrels are placed in business areas and traffic islands fulfilling our mission: "To beautify West Springfield".

Funds from the plant sale enable the Garden Club to expand its impact in the community by providing two scholarships a year to graduating seniors who will pursue a career in horticulture. In addition, we bring in horticultural speakers to our monthly meetings at Storrowton Tavern. Donations have supported a water garden at the Cancer House of Hope, Toy for Joy, The Parish Cupboard and other community services.  A bequest from the late Jean M. Smith enabled the town to build the new Santa House & pavilion.

WSGC is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization 

under the umbrella of the

Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts